Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Aquatic plant

Aquatic plants  need plenty of sunlight to grow eg lotus, waterlily, water lalang, water orchid, water canna, water bamboo, etc. Lotus prefer to stay in calm water in order to flower and need to replace fresh water daily otherwise the leaf will not be healthy. Lotus prefer to grow in muddy or soggy condition. The new leaf come out frm the  soil gradually and stay on the water surface before the stem elevate further away frm the water surface. The round leaf grows bigger and taller after a few days and you will find multiple stems in a  pot. 

Tiny leaf emerge from the surface

After few days leaf becomes round

Leaf grow broader

 Lotus stem shoot up from  surface

Lotus fully grown in pot

Taking care of aquatic plants is more flexible for watering compare soil base plant as long as there is excess water storing on the pot but for soil base plant you need to water the plants at a right timing as delay in watering will cause the plant suffer dehydration. But for aquatic plant, water contain in the pot is enough for the plant consumption between 2-3 days. Besides that, extra precaution need to be taken care of as it provide a breeding ground for mosquitos to lay eggs. We suggest you to monitor it from time to time, you can replace it with fresh water twice a week, or apply abate powder once a month. If you don’t have enough time to replace fresh water this is the ideal way to prevent the mosquito larvae from spreading. Rearing miniature fish in the pot will also help to prevent it.

Water Lily



Sakura/Water Orchid

Water Canna

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